New ecoRosin…Organic, Recyclable, Biodegradable, Vegan, Carbon Offset
ecoRosin is a new line of premium rosins, innovated, designed and created in Australia by Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin. ecoRosin strives to leave a zero footprint on our planet whilst offering string players premium rosin recipes. ecoRosin uses natural plant based ingredients and resins, including organic waxes and hemp. ecoRosin uses no animal products and is 100% vegan. It is also biodegradable, will leave no waste and estimated C02 emissions are offset through investment in renewable energy projects.

Designed for the soloist, power, focus and projection are prominent with minimal dust and sound deterioration.
New Concerto:
After years of rosin recipe refinement for string players all over the world, the Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin team have worked to create the ultimate rosin recipe for the Concerto Soloist and International Competition Performer.
R155 Violin. R156 Viola. R157 Cello
Available in two formulations with distinct characteristics with an additional Baroque option
A decisive attack, firm traction and crisp sautille; this recipe creates an undeniably forthright sound through a glassier texture.
The crisp blend often works well with an instrument with lots of resonance but is a little ‘woolly’ in sound, offering it greater clarity and articulation.
R130 Violin. R131 Viola. R132 Cello
Also available as 50/50% Crisp/Supple blend and 75% blend.
R130/R130-50/R130-75 Violin
R131/R131-50/R131-75 Viola
R132/R132-50/R132-75 Cello
A warm and softer sound, consistent traction that feels velvety and rich; this recipe maintains a reliably sharp attack on the string.
The supple blend can help generate a more powerful and focused sound from a softer and lighter bow with less ‘bite’.
R140 Violin R141 Viola. R142 Cello
Also available as 75% blend
R140-75 Violin R141-75 Viola. R142-75 Cello
Specially formulated for gut strings, the gentle but clean attack and smoother traction allows the string to resonate freely with maximum clarity without distortion and also reduce the ‘squeak’ often encountered with using modern rosins on gut.
R134 Violin. R135 Viola. R136 Cello.
Cake encased in a variety of wooden mounts from sustainable sources. Leather wrap, artisan made, hemp alternative available. Wood stamped by type. VNS, for example, is Violin Supple. VNC BQ is Violin Baroque.

The Amber Range helps Double Bass players find the exact combination of stickiness, grip, traction & lyrical quality to suit their playing needs.
Leatherwood Bass Rosin R144
A multi purpose, heavy orchestral rosin that is designed to suit all players, in all styles, in most climates.
Leatherwood Amber Double Bass Rosin R143
Available in single cups 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 70% 80%
Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin’s founder, Andrew Baker, has always been excited by the colours, textures and aromas of the violin-making tradition.
From the grain patterns of timber to the quality of varnishes, Andrew is passionate about the ‘texture’ of the string-playing world. Andrew has valued the relationships between performers and their artisan violin and bow makers; the journey of construction and maintenance, and the high appreciation of stunningly beautiful natural materials being as significant as energies spent in the practice room or on stage.

The Sound Post Limited, Jocelyn House, 2d Newopaul Way, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 8RY, UK. Registered in England No. 03100243.
T: +44 0 1985 851122
F: +44 0 1985 851188